Matt O'Meara, R.Ac
Acupuncturist Acupuncture works on the body in a way that is both specific and generalized. It can target muscle aches and pains directly, providing instant relief. It can also regulate the nervous systems, transitioning the body to move more into the calm, restful state that stimulates healing. This generalized calm that comes over the body during an acupuncture treatment is what allows our systems to “reset” in a way. Our bodies know how to fix themselves, but if they are not in a relaxed state the opportunity does not arise for this healing to occur. This is why getting acupuncture regularly benefits specific concerns, but also enhances our health in the bigger picture. I saw how well Traditional Chinese Medicine, and more specifically acupuncture, provided a medicine that promoted balance in an overstimulated culture. Understanding the dynamic healing potential of acupuncture led me to pursue this field of medicine. I completed my education in Victoria, BC at Pacific Rim College, a leading school of natural medicine in North America. After completing my studies, I remained at the college as a faculty member, teaching courses in Chinese diet therapy and ethics. |